Friday, April 22, 2011


From Mendoza we took an overnight bus to Córdoba, arriving on April 10. Córdoba is located pretty close to the middle of Argentina. It is the university capital of Argentina, and is known as the best place to get an education in South America. So the vast majority of people that live there are students. Its a huge city with a young, fast-paced vibe. We stayed with some friends from South Carolina, David and Kristen. They have two really fun kids, Coen-5 and Chloe-3.

David and Kristen are missionaries in Córdoba and have been living there for about five years. They have Bible studies in their home, run a student resident house, and have several other programs they use for outreach. One of those programs is English Talk where once a week people get together and talk about different topics to practice their English. It was really fun for us to see a little bit of their lives in Argentina and the work they are doing there.

 Everyone except David who is taking the picture

English Talk- David is the American-looking one in the middle

David and Kristen showed us around the major sites in Córdoba. We saw lots of really big, really old churches. Some are from the 17th century. There are also lots of nice plazas and hang out spots. The nearby town of Carlos Paz has some hiking trails so one of our first mornings there David took us on a short hike where we had some great views. Other than that, our time in Córdoba was pretty relaxing. We slept in almost every day, caught up on laundry, and just got to enjoy spending time with David, Kristen and family.

Downtown Cordoba - This fountain is synchronized with music and plays every two hours.  A favorite hang-out spot for the locals

Most of the city is high-rise apartment buildings like these full of students.

 Capuccino church downtown

Inside the Capuccino church

Overlooking the city of Carlos Paz from our hike

While we were in Córdoba, David and Kristen told us about a really nice resort about two hours away from the city.  At this point in the trip we had started losing some steam and it was hard to find motivation to keep moving. So we decided to take two days and go to the resort as a vacation from our vacation. :) So up next is our trip to La Cumbrecita.


  1. These posts are amazing. was your little get away from your vacation?

  2. Pictures are awesome! Hope your "vacation" was restful, I'm sure you both needed a break. Look forward to more wonderful pics.

  3. I always thought Starbucks was the Cappucino church ...
