Friday, March 11, 2011

Blast from the Past

Well, our plans changed a little since our last post. Flexiblity is probably the single most important thing about traveling in South America. Just when you think you have a plan going, something will always change it.
We got up early on Tuesday and took the subway down to the ferry terminal to catch a ferry to Uruguay for the day. When we tried to buy our tickets we found out that all of the return ferries for that day were full because it was the last day of Carnaval and most people had been off work all weekend for the holiday. So we bought tickets for the next day instead, which pushed our entire schedule back a day. We had to rethink the rest of the week and figure out how to fit in everything we had planned. We ended up spending the rest of the day on running errands like buying bus tickets to Monte (the little town where we studied 7 years ago), buying our plane tickets to Ushuaia, paying some bills from back home, etc.
The next day we did get to go to Uruguay and spend the day there. Our ferry got to Colonia around lunch time and we had until 8pm to walk around and see the sights. It was an extrememly hot day so we rented a moped to get us around town a little faster and with a breeze. :) We saw as much as we could in the time we had and enjoyed it. The only bad part was that not long after getting there I ended up getting a migraine. I don´t get them very often, but when I do they´re pretty intense. Luckily Seth and I had both been here before so I didn´t feel so bad about having to lay down on a bench for a while until my medicine kicked in. Overall, it was a fun day and we can check another country off the list!

our little moped in front of an old bull fighting colliseum

safety first!

original colonial street and houses from the 1700s

We are now in Monte in a little internet cafe just like we used to do when we were students here. It is crazy to be back here again after so long and be flooded with memories. We are staying at the Antigua Casona where I stayed with my parents when they came to visit me. The town of  Monte is a little nicer than when we left, but pretty much the same. We only wish that our favorite ice cream place (named Dirti´s) were still here, but don´t worry, we´re making up for it. :) So far we have eaten at Mamma Rosa´s and bought lots of facturas from El Sol, a little bakery straight from heaven.

Yesterday we went onto the Word of Life Campus and couldn´t believe how different it is. There are lots of new buildings and even the ones that were there have gotten face-lifts. They have a brand new gate at the entrance, a new, air conditioned auditorium and cafeteria, and several new dorm buildings. We felt so old walking around talking about how we had to rough it back in the good ol´ days.
As we walked toward the lake we found Jim and Peggy Herndon, the directors of the program we were in. We sat down and had a really good talk with them and they even invited us in for dinner! It was great to talk to them and catch up.
The rest of our time in Monte we have spent walking around town and strolling through the main plaza. We have also made several trips to the laundrymat, since we dropped off one load of clothes yesterday and they can´t seem to find my brand new shirt I just bought in Buenos Aires. Arrrrggggh. They keep telling me to check back later to see if it has turned up, but I have a feeling its not going to. This used to happen every once in a while when we lived here. Looks like nothing has changed with the laundry places.


  1. "We felt so old walking around talking about how we had to rough it back in the good ol´ days."
    LOL!!!! We used to have to walk to school, barefoot, in the snow, BOTH WAYS! hahaha

    I'm so glad you guys ran into Jim & Peggy (and that they invited you to dinner!)

    I really am living a true dream through you guys... so... I hope you're enjoying it a little extra just for me!


  2. That helmet looks so big on your head! Are y'all in any danger of the Tsunami coming towards S.A.? I am not sure what part of Argentina you're in but I know Chile was on alert and I saw it's not a very wide country right beside Argentina. I don't know how far a Tsunami can go but I wanted to check on you!

  3. Rebecca,
    Your mom gave me your blogspot address has been fun reading all about your trip...what an adventure.

  4. We are so glad that you two are enjoying your trip and especially glad that ya'll are feeling better. Love the pictures. Seth, where was your helmet?
    Miss you guys!

  5. So glad to hear what you are guys are up to! Glad to hear you are safe, can't wait to read and see more!

  6. Michelle- We are safe. We heard that there might be trouble on the coast of Chile, but we won´t be there for a few more weeks. I don´t know if we are going to see any damage or not. Hope you´re doing well!
